Down Garden Services


True Forget-Me-Not

Scientific Names : Myosotis scorpioides syn Myosotis scorpiodes, Myosotis palustris
Other name: Water forget-me-not Family: Boraginaceae

This evergreen perennial prefers moist or wet soil and can grow in boggy conditions at stream and lake shores. It spreads by seed and the clump enlarges by rooting stems. It is not usually a garden pest and is loved by many. It is a native of Europe and Asia, but was introduced to North America and is now naturalised. The species name refers to the shape of the stem as it emerges in a coil similar to a scorpion tail.
There is some mention of a use to treat whooping cough and bronchitis.

The leaves have a covering of fine hairs, arranged in pairs up the stem. the plant can grow up to 45cm with a spread of about 60cm.

The flowers are 8 to 13mm in diameter, pale blue with a yellow centre and white honeyguides, appearing between May and October. They bear both male and female parts and are pollinated by flies, bees, moths and butterflies. The calyx has flattened or sometimes no hairs.
The Forget-Me-Not flower was adopted as the emblem of German Freemasons during the Nazi period as membership of the organisation was suppressed and members wore it on their lapel instead of the square and compass.

The plants are easily uprooted and should be removed before flowering.
Weedkillers to use:-
A residual herbicide to suppress germination.
Glyphosate kills the whole plant, but it may be capable of shedding viable seed so remove any flowers that are present.

The Forget-me-nots are difficult to tell apart, seeField Forget-me-not, also Green Alkanet which has similar flowers.

picture of True Forget-me-not

Follow these links for further details on Weeds, Weed Removal and Weed Prevention.